The Clan Niall Chronicles: The Living Presidents of Clan Macneil USA

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Clan Niall Chronicles. Clan Macneil USA celebrates 100 years of our proud Scottish & Irish heritage and diverse roots through friendly association, the promotion of traditions and culture, and the sharing of information.

Our host, Alissa Nolan, kicks off the celebrations as The Clan Niall Chronicles interviews 3 of its living presidents: Kenny McNeil, Robert Neill, and Neill Baker. We are so fortunate to listen to their memories, discuss issues that relate to any membership-driven organization, and hear what the future holds for Clan Macneil USA. It's a treasure-trove of history for future generations!

All of our podcasts are available via our podcast page on our website - check it out here:

Want to help?

While Alissa Nolan, Council Member and Clan Genealogist, will initially get this project off the ground, she will need help. She's is seeking a volunteer experienced in podcast hosting who can take over. Alissa is also seeking a volunteer production assistant (PA) who can help put together the themes for each show, develop questions and concepts, and help schedule the guests.

Contact us!

Are you a possible guest? Got an intriguing ideas for an episodes of The Clan Niall Chronicles? Reach out to us and share! If volunteering as a host or PA is your thing, let us know! For either, contact Alissa at We can't wait to hear from you!

***Please note that guests must have a video camera and microphone as all interviews will be conducted on Zoom.