Submit Your Article for The Galley

It’s that time of year again! Article submissions for the Fall/Winter 2018 Galley are due September 15th. Please send your stories and photos about Scottish games and events, family history and reunions, major accomplishments, births/deaths/graduations, travels (particularly to Scotland/Ireland), poetry/dance/art, and just fascinating tidbits that remind us of the joy of being alive and connected! Your Galley Editor, Vicki Corporon, is waiting with an anticipatory smile and a lilt in her walk on the way to the mailbox (at the road or on the computer) to see what you've sent! Contact info and submission guidelines are in the most recent issue of The Galley.

1 thought on “Submit Your Article for The Galley”

  1. I have a poem I wrote for the memorial page of my family research project. You are welcom to use it, and the poem’s accompanying information, in the Galley.

    Yours Aye,

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